Welcome to QR-Cubes.com!

QR Cubes are 6-sided cubes that flat-pack into a wood-or-acrylic-cut business card. I custom make them using my home laser cutter. Each side has a logo of a website or community, and the flip of it has a QR Code that links to it. They're also just fun to build and play or fidget with, especially if you put something inside them that rattles! :)

Why this QR-Cubes.com domain? Well, I was fed up of using services like TinyURL or bit.ly to make the QR code small enough to easily print/scan, so I just bought this domain instead and use redirects to point to the website I ultimately want the cube to point to. Don't worry, I'm not some hacker looking to scam ya, I'm legit just some Airmen goofing off, though good on ya for checking the URLs! And if you smartphone takes you to the website in a QR code as soon as you scan it, throw it in the trash because it should ALWAYS let you verify where it's about to take you too - imagine if your browser automatically opened every link in your emails?!

I can also mail free samples upon request. You can find me almost anytime in the AllSpark Discord here: https://discord.gg/DV3pFSuM5X, or... since that link may expire and I forget to update, maybe I'll do a better job keeping this one up to date: HTTPS://QR-CUBES.COM/ALLSPARK (fun fact: it's in all caps, cuz if you use a lower-case letter the QR code switches to a different encoding meaning more bits needed meaning a bigger QR code)

(I do this as a hobby - you can offset some of my material costs by "buying me a coffee"!) (This is a side project/spinoff of my Spark-Coin" project)